Easter egger


Easter Eggers are a hybrid or mixed breed, and describe any chicken that possesses the “colorful egg” gene, but doesn’t fully meet any breed standard defined in the American Poultry Association’s standards. The name “Easter Egger” comes from the resemblance of the colorful eggs to Easter eggs. Be careful not to confuse these with Ameraucana and Araucana, as hatcheries often mislabel their Easter Eggers as pure Ameraucana or Araucana.

Quick Facts:

  • Eggs: Blue, Green, Pink, or Tan (one color per hen)  | Medium to Large | 200-280 eggs per year
  • Easter Eggers can look very different from one another and are not a standardized breed.
  • These are truly surprise layers! You will not know which color of egg your hen will lay until she starts laying.

our Easter egger flock

Now, you don’t even have to dye eggs for Easter – but don’t tell your kids that! However, we are sure they will absolutely adore the colorful egg basket when they hunt for these eggs each day.


Easter Eggers are a mixed breed and, as such, are not recognized by the APA. These beauties are typically achieved by crossing a light brown egg layer with a blue egg layer.  Since the breed combinations can create all sorts of sizes and colors, there is no standard for Easter Eggers. There is a bit of an element of surprise, not knowing what genes pass to the chicks – and here, we love surprises!


Easter Eggers tend to be hardy and dependable layers, with often docile temperaments.

We have a dedicated pasture-ranging Easter Egger flock that pairs one Easter Egger rooster and one Splash Ameraucana rooster to our Olive Eggers, Brown Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds, Golden Comets, Ameraucana, a couple breeds of Bantams (Cochin, Old English Game, etc.), other Easter Eggers, and Delawares. We adore the mystery of the Easter Egger mix.

We offer hatching eggs and chicks to share these beautiful egg colors with others. Imagine the magic it’ll bring to your egg basket!